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Who needs WCB coverage in Alberta?

Why do I need workers’ compensation insurance in Alberta?

  • It protects you from being sued by workers or employers with Alberta workers’ compensation coverage, who are injured or get occupational diseases during the course of employment. Optional coverage in most exempt industries Not all industries are automatically covered by workers’ compensation insurance.

Are my Alberta workers covered when they leave the province?

  • In certain situations, your Alberta workers are covered when they leave the province to work. At times, this coverage is automatic. In other cases, you have to request it. Coverage by WCB doesn’t replace the coverage requirements of the jurisdiction in which the worker will be working.

What are the duties of WCB-Alberta?

  • To provide high quality service and fair compensation to employers and injured workers. Employer’s responsibility ■■ To report workplace injuries to WCB-Alberta; ■■ To maintain an account and pay premiums; ■■ To work with employees to prevent injuries and help injured workers return to work.

Are my out-of-province workers covered by WCB?

  • Your workers may be covered by WCB for their out-of-province work if they’re doing the same work they would be doing in Alberta.
Most employers in Alberta are required by law to have workers' compensation insurance for their paid and unpaid workers. * For WCB purposes, a worker is any person who enters into or works under a contract of service or apprenticeship, written or oral, expressed or implied, whether by way of manual labour or otherwise.