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What state is the cheapest to buy a new vehicle?

Which state sells the cheapest cars?

  • Low car sales tax at only 3%.
  • Relatively low title and registration fees associated with the vehicle purchase.
  • Affordable auto insurance.
  • The maintenance fees and upkeep costs are affordable in North Carolina.

Which of these states is cheapest to buy a car?

  • These are the cheapest places to buy a car in regards to average fees: 1. Oregon ($127) 2. Alaska ($356) 3. New Hampshire ($359) 4. Montana ($724) 5. Hawaii ($817) Paul Nadjarian, founder and CEO of Mojo Motors, said that states have their own rules about the types of fees they charge and nine put limits of how much they can charge.

Is it cheaper to buy car in certain states?

  • While the best state to buy a car will vary based on any given driver’s specific needs, if you’re just considering affordability, New Hampshire is the cheapest state to buy a car. The Zebra states that the average auto insurance premium rate in New Hampshire is $1,083, 24.1% less than the national average.

Do cars cost less in different states?

  • When buying a car from out of state or even in your home state, always do extensive research first if you want to get the best deal and lower the overall price of the car. Car prices can fluctuate, and specific car models may be less expensive in some states for various reasons.
New Hampshire is the best state to buy a car in general.\n\n When you buy a car in New Hampshire, you don't have to pay too many extra fees. You can save money upfront because there are no state sales taxes, and the registration fees are low. The insurance premiums in the state are also pretty low.