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How can I lower my car insurance in Michigan?

How can Michigan reduce auto insurance premiums?

  • Michigan is the only state in the U.S. that requires drivers to purchase unlimited PIP coverage.25 26 Doing away with mandatory unlimited lifetime coverage—and allowing con- sumers to select the coverage that best fits their needs as is done in other insurance markets—is the clearest way to reduce rates across the state, including in Detroit.

How can we fix Michigan’s car insurance Quagmire?

  • Given this, any solution to the car insurance quagmire should seek to both: 1) reduce rates and 2) narrow the gap between what Michigan’s wealthiest and poorest residents pay for auto insurance. Only in doing so can Michigan end a cycle of poverty that puts Michiganders and our state, as a whole, at a compet- itive disadvantage.

Is auto insurance unaffordable in Michigan?

  • Yet, the price of auto insurance creates a huge barrier to auto- mobile ownership in Michigan, and in Detroit in particular. The U.S. Treasury Department’s Federal Insurance Office deems auto insurance “unaffordable” in areas where premiums exceed 2 percent of a ZIP code’s median household income.7

What is the most expensive car insurance in Michigan?

  • AUTO INSURANCE AND ECONOMIC MOBILITY IN MICHIGAN: MARCH 2019 A CYCLE OF POVERTY 1 Michigan has the most expensive automobile insurance in the United States, with an estimated annual premium of $2,610, almost double the national average.1 This burden, howev- er, does not fall equally.
Why does Michigan have No-Fault insurance? Michigan has No-Fault insurance because the tort liability system that preceded it was hurting car accident victims, not helping them. Seriously injured victims were denied compensation or they were systematically under-compensated.