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How do I change my WordPress hosting?

How do I host my own WordPress website on AWS?

  • AWS has a number of different options for provisioning virtual machines. There are three main ways to host your own WordPress website on AWS: • Amazon Lightsail • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) • AWS Marketplace Amazon Web Services Best Practices for WordPress on AWS Page 2

How to back up your WordPress website?

  • To back up the WordPress application code and configuration, you need to make use of AMIs and also Aurora backups. To back up the WordPress themes and plugins installed on your website, back up the Amazon S3 bucket or the Amazon EFS file system they are stored on.

What is the hosting WordPress on AWS reference architecture?

  • The Hosting WordPress on AWS reference architecture available on GitHub outlines best practices for deploying WordPress on AWS and includes a set of AWS Amazon Web Services Best Practices for WordPress on AWS Page 8 CloudFormation templates to get you up and running quickly. The following architecture is based on that reference architecture.

How do I serve my website under a custom domain name?

  • If you want to serve your website under a custom domain name (that is, not *.cloudfront.net), then enter the appropriate URIs under Alternate Domain Names in the Distribution Settings. In this case, you also need an SSL certificate for your custom domain name.
Check the DNS for the domain or IP with whois . And in page source, images, etc, will be mapped to s0.wp.com or similar, or accountname.files.wordpress.com or similar, and not domain.com/wp-content/uploads/... as in self-hosted.