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How do I choose the right keywords?

Here's how to do it in four simple steps:
  1. Find keywords with search traffic potential.
  2. Make sure you create content that aligns with search intent.
  3. Make sure the keyword has “business potential”
  4. Make sure you can rank for the keyword.

How to find the best keywords?

  • Understand the Difference Between Short-Tail and Long-Tail Keywords. Using short-tail and long-tail keywords will help you to cast a wider net when it comes to keyword ranking.
  • Study Your Competition. Pay attention to what your competitors are doing. ...
  • Localize Your Keywords. ...
  • Keyword Research for Blogs. ...
  • Group Keyword Themes. ...

How to know which keywords to use?

  • Use a Keyword Research Tool to Find Niche Keywords Before you can get started in earnest,of course,you need to choose your niche. ...
  • Refine Your Niche Keyword List A list of keywords has no inherent value—they are,in fact,just suggestions. It's what you do with your keywords that matters. ...
  • Determine How Competitive Your Niche Keyword Phrases Are

How to find my keywords?

  • Type in your website URL into Keyword Explorer
  • Select the country where you audience is based
  • Click the Analyze button
  • You'll see Top Ranking Keywords
  • Click Ranking Keywords on the left panel to view more keywords
  • You'll see all the keywords your site is ranking for,along with Difficulty,and Monthly Search Volume.

How to choose the right keywords for your SEO strategy?

  • - Choose primary and secondary keywords. ... - Keep both domain-level and page-level relevance in mind. ... - Dedicate one page per keyword. ... - Prioritize natural inclusion. ... - Consider using local variants. ... - Embed keywords in both onsite content and links. ... - Avoid keyword cannibalization. ...