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Is keyword all one word?

We use the word 'keyword' all the time; this does not mean it consists of only one word. A lot of times it consists of multiple words. So when talking about keywords, a lot of times we mean a phrase instead of just one word.

What are keywords and why are they important?

  • Keywords are important terms that can be found in your abstract and chapters, but they also stand alone as search terms. Abstracts and keywords together help researchers find content. Electronic search engines and databases use words found in your title, subtitle, and abstract as well as keywords to choose what

How do I include keywords in my abstracts?

  • • Include your keywords in your abstract STYLE GUIDELINES FOR KEYWORDS • Keep each keyword short (one word, two to three words if they are specialized terms) • Use lowercase unless the keyword is a proper noun • Use roman type only, no italic • Ensure keywords for names appear as Frank Ryan, not Ryan, Frank • Be as specific as possible

Does the keyword method promote vocabulary growth in language classrooms?

  • However, here the main emphasis is on the elaborative techniques such as the keyword method which has substantial potential for vocabulary growth in language classrooms.

Is the keyword method effective in the learning of non-dominant languages?

  • Campos, Rodríguez-Pinal & Pérez-Fabello (2014) investigated the efficacy of the keyword method in the learning of the non-dominant language in bilingual students. One hundred and two students used the keyword and one hundred students used the rote method to learn the Spanish meaning of twenty Galician words.