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Why is career services important in college?

Career services departments give students opportunities to explore career options, understand workplace expectations, hone soft skills like leadership and communication, and even understand the value-add of the degree they are earning.

What is the importance of Career Education?

  • The importance of career education. Every young person should be provided with the best possible opportunities to transition successfully from school to further education, training or employment. Career education assists students to reflect on their ambitions, interests, strengths and abilities.

Why career planning is important for college students?

  • Thirdly, a good career planning of college students can help them to make a self-recognition in a timely manner. and better adapt to the needs of today's society and world development, so as to truly realize their personal life value.

What is college readiness and success?

  • College readiness and success efforts focus on improving the quality of education and support for students, starting in K–12 and following them through their transition to and completion of postsecondary education programs.

What are some examples of career planning education?

  • For example, career planning education includes education, psychology, sociology, human resources management theory and other contents.