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Why do people send plain text emails?

When you send a plain text email, you can be confident that your open and click-through rates won't take a hit. Spam filters prefer plain text email because they will have a more legitimate sender. As a result, your plain text emails will fly through the spam filters and land straight into your users' inboxes.

What happens when I send an email?

  • When you send an email, it undergoes a series of checks and transfers before it reaches yoursubscribers. A sent email isn’t considered successfully delivered until it reaches the recipient’s inbox.

Why do my emails look spammy to a filter?

  • Too many images or too large of an image compared to the amount of text in an HTML email can make your message look spammy toa filter. Adding more text and reducing the number and size of images can help.

What is email content and why is it important?

  • Content consists of your email’s subject and body. Some spam filters evaluate email content when determining whether a messageis spam. Here are some best practices to keep your legitimate emails from triggering spam filters.

Why is my HTML email so sloppy?

  • One of the most common causes of sloppy email HTML is copying and pasting from Microsoft Word. When you copy-paste contentfrom Word, it pulls in style tags and other code. If you must copy-paste, use the Paste From Word button.