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What virus can cause myositis?

The most frequent viral causes of myositis are the influenza viruses and enteroviruses, with symptoms of myositis typically starting a few days after the onset of fever. Symptoms are most prominent in the proximal musculature (arms and legs), and pain is often exacerbated by movement.

What are the symptoms of myositis caused by a virus?

  • Difficulty in getting up from a chair
  • Trouble in climbing stairs or lifting arms
  • Tired feeling after standing and walking
  • Difficulty swallowing or breathing
  • Muscle pain and soreness that seems to linger for a few weeks
  • Elevations in muscle enzymes
  • Fatigue (exhaustion)
  • Frequent falls
  • A general feeling of being unwell
  • Weight loss

How is viral myocarditis diagnosed?

  • Though myocarditis can be difficult to diagnose, your doctor can use several tests to narrow down the source of your symptoms. These tests include: echocardiogram (ultrasound imaging of the heart): to help detect structural or functional issues in the heart and adjacent vessels

What is myositis like muscle injury?

  • Myositis Ossificans is a reaction to a bruise in a muscle that has been injured. During the healing of the bruise, Calcium can become deposited in the bruise causing a hard bone like structure within the muscle. The exact reason why this happens is unclear but it is known to happen more often in athletes with repetitive trauma to the same area ...

Will you have myositis with HIV infection?

  • Symptoms are similar to those of polymyositis, such as muscle pain and weakness. Usually, the condition is mild and can settle without treatment. In rare cases, some people who have HIV infection can develop long-term viral muscle infections. Drug-induced myopathies can sometimes appear like myositis.