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How many days does it take to ship a car from California to Georgia?

Shipping a car from California to Georgia takes about 7 to 10 days. Various factors could affect the shipping times and this means that shipping time is always an estimate. Open auto transport is usually faster and cheaper due to high availability.

When do you get authorized to ship household goods?

  • Ordinarily you are authorized to ship household goods (HHG) (at the appropriate weight allowance authorized for your grade) after you have received orders calling you to active duty, directing a permanent or temporary change of station, or authorizing separation or retirement.

Are all new vehicles made to be sold in California?

  • Not all new vehicles are manufactured to be sold in California. Many manufacturers make vehicles to be sold only in the other 49 states. These vehicles ( 49-state ) are made with smog equipment that meets federal emission standards, but not California standards. California-certified (50-state) vehicles are made to be sold in California.

When do you have to dispose of or sell a vehicle?

  • course of business, are required to dispose of or sell vehicles under a contractual right or obligation of the employer, or in the performance of an official duty, or under the authority of any court of law, if the sale is for the purpose of saving the seller from any loss or pursuant to the authority of a court of competent jurisdiction.