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What is the difference between public administration and political?

While political science focuses on analyzing the influence political figures and events have on societal outcomes, public administration implements the processes responsible for producing those outcomes.

How is public policy related to public administration?

  • Politics affect public administration in a number of ways, including: 1. Line-staff conflict: Every level of a bureaucratic, hierarchically organization tends to believe that they know best how to effectively administer the tasks of the organizati...

What are some examples of Public Administration?

  • - Transportation - Community and economic development - Public health/social services - Education/higher education - Parks and recreation - Housing - Law enforcement and public safety - Emergency management - Disaster response - Public works

What is Public Administration from the legal perspective?

  • Taking the legal route to public administration would venture into the formidable legal structure and organization of public bodies. As the name suggests, this approach associated itself with laws, rules, regulations, codes, official duties etc.

How does administrative discretion affect public policy?

  • More in general, it is argued that when street-level bureaucrats have a certain degree of discretion, this will make the policy more meaningful for the clients. Client meaningfulness can thus be considered a potential effect of discretion. Here, we note that client meaningfulness is highly related to concepts such as client utility or usefulness.