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Why is the physical examination?

What is a physical exam and what can you expect?

  • health care consumers should know its essential elements. A thorough physical examination covers head to toe and usually lasts about 30 minutes. It measures important vital signs -- temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate -- and evaluates your body using observation, palpitation, percussion, and auscultation.

What to expect during your routine physical exam?

  • height and weight measurements
  • nose,mouth,throat,and ear examination with a torch or scope
  • feeling for the pulse in the person’s neck,groin,or feet
  • checking the body’s reflexes
  • listening to the heart and lungs with a stethoscope
  • measuring blood pressure using a sphygmomanometer
  • feeling the lymph nodes in the neck,underarms,or groin

What do doctors check during a physical?

  • Updated health history. Your doctor may ask for an update on new developments and changes in your health history. ...
  • Vital sign checks. This includes taking a blood pressure reading and checking your heart rate and respiratory rate. ...
  • Visual exam. Your doctor will review your appearance for signs of any potential conditions. ...
  • Physical exams. ...
  • Laboratory tests. ...

What tests are included in a physical exam?

  • Weight control: identify your body fat percentage,lean mass,and both a short term and long term optimal weight goal
  • Food and nutrient intake: Do you meet your key nutrients needs,and if not what foods and/or supplements could you take to achieve proper nutrient intake
  • Fitness: Assess your strength,flexibility,and aerobic performance.
These exams are used to: check for possible diseases so they can be treated early. identify any issues that may become medical concerns in the future. update necessary immunizations.