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Where is the medial surface?

The portion of the medial surface of the parietal lobe placed above the postero-superior portion of the corpus callosum. It is located posterior to the paracentral lobule and the post central gyrus, and anterior to the cuneus.

Is the medial axis of a surface two dimensional?

  • In general, the medial axis of a surface may contain ele- ments of different dimensions. In MEDIALwe approximate all these elements with two dimensional Voronoi facets. The data set KNOTshows this interesting phenomenon.

Does Each medial axis point have a nearby point in the subset?

  • Conversely, we also argue that each medial axis point has a nearby point in the subset, the distance between which also vanishes as 0. SomeofthepointsonthesampledsurfaceS haveinfinitely large medial balls.

How does medial extract the heart data from the image?

  • The HEARTdata is extractedas an iso-surface from the in- tensity field of a volumetric image. The data contains some noise introduced by the iso-surface extraction procedure. MEDIALcould tolerate most of this noise as the output in Figure 13 suggests. Four more examples HAND, MANNEQUIN, DINOSAUR and FEMALEshow how MEDIALcomputes clean medial

What is the limit of the output of medial converges to?

  • Theorem 1 and 2 establish that the limit of this sequence converges to M where M is the subset of the medial axis defined by medial balls that touch only S but not the bounding sphere. This shows that a subset of the output of MEDIALconverges to the medial axis though the difference between this subset and the output is small; specifically when