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What does the suffix refer to?

1. a letter, syllable, or group of syllables added at the end of a word or word base to change its meaning, give it grammatical function, or form a new word (Ex.: -ish in smallish, -ed in walked, -ness in darkness) 2. anything added to the end of something else. verb transitive.

What are the 20 examples of suffix?

  • Suffix -acy. Democracy,accuracy,lunacy.
  • Suffix – al. Remedial,denial,trial,criminal.
  • Suffix -ance. Nuisance,ambience,tolerance.
  • Suffix -dom. Freedom,stardom,boredom.
  • Suffix -er,-or.
  • Suffix -ism.
  • Suffix -ist.
  • Suffix -ity,-ty.

What is the suffix meaning?

  • The suffix is a letter or a group of letters that you add at the stem of a word, and that changes the meaning of the word or the way it is used. The suffix is also one of the main three types of Affix. For example: The word ‘sad’ is an adjective.

What is suffix and prefix with examples?

  • Prefixes and suffixes are words that change the meaning of the word just by adding two, three, or four alphabets at the beginning or at the end of the word. We can benefit from a brief study of prefixes and suffixes, known collectively as affixes. Prefixes and Suffixes are words that make antonym words; like- Fortunately and unfortunately.

What are examples of suffixes?

  • If God want ed us to bend over,he'd put diamonds on the floor. (Comedian Joan Rivers)
  • If I could read while I was driv ing,shower ing,socializ ing or sleep ing,I would do it. (American author Elizabeth Gilbert)
  • A wise person decides slow ly but abides by these decisions. (Tennis player Arthur Ashe)
  • Vice s are often habit s rather than passion s. ...
A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word (for example, -ful). If you add the suffix -ful to the base word, help, the word is helpful. A prefix is a word part added to the beginning of a word or base word (for example, un-). If the prefix un- is added to helpful, the word is unhelpful.