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What is stock exchange explain any five functions of stock?

Functions of Stock Exchange are:a It provide liquidity and marketability to existing securities. b It determines the price of securities by force of demand and supply. c It ensure safety of transactions as the transactions carried out within an existing legal framework.

What is the main function of the stock market?

  • Chapter 3 The Operation of Stock Markets A securities market is at core a communication system and a trading mechanism. Its functions are: 1) to communicate orders for securities and the prices bid or offered for them (“quotes”), and 2) to match those orders and transform them into trades.

What are the scope and functions of stock market?

  • Scope and Functions of the Stock Market represent individual holders, but in many cases includes corpora- tions. One railway corporation may be the holder of a portion of the stock of another railway company, and may itself represent many

What are stock exchanges?

  • The Stock Exchanges of the World The enormous mass of corporate stocks and bonds, the wide distribution of their ownership among hundreds of thousands of persons of all classes, together with the increasing tendency to use such securities as collateral for loans, has necessitated the creation

What are the objectives of the Stock Exchange?

  • every stock exchange defines the object of the exchange as follows: "Its object shall be to furnish exchanges, rooms and other facilities for the convenient transaction of business by its members, as brokers; to maintain high standards of commercial honor and integ- rity among its members, and to promote and inculcate just and