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What is called the exchange?

What Is an Exchange? An exchange is a marketplace where securities, commodities, derivatives and other financial instruments are traded. The core function of an exchange is to ensure fair and orderly trading and the efficient dissemination of price information for any securities trading on that exchange.

What is Microsoft Exchange and how does it work?

  • Exchange is a mail and calendar server, which means it is a dedicated network resource management program that uses transmission control protocols such as SMTP, IMAP and POP to communicate with email clients. In simpler terms, Exchange is responsible for sending and receiving emails to and from client computers.

What does 'exchange' mean?

  • Exchange (noun) the act of substituting one thing in the place of another; as, an exchange of grief for joy, or of a scepter for a sword, and the like; also, the act of giving and receiving reciprocally; as, an exchange of civilities or views.

What is the definition of foreign exchange?

  • Foreign exchange – also known as forex or FX – is the conversion of one currency into another, or the global market in which currencies are traded. Trading foreign exchange is done at all levels, by central banks, high street banks, businesses and speculators.

What is the definition of exchange in marketing?

  • Exchanges give companies, governments, and other groups a platform from which to sell securities to the investing public. Exchanges are marketplaces for the trade of securities, commodities, derivatives, and other financial instruments.
A giving to one another of similar things. An exchange of greetings. The substituting of one thing for another. An exchange of tears for smiles.