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How long do shipments from Germany take?

It depends on which shipping mode you use. Shipping express can take as few as 1-4 days– but express is the most expensive mode, and is not suitable for large shipments. Air freight shipping will take about 7-15 days. Sea freight shipping takes 43-47 days, but is the most affordable if you can wait.

When will I receive my ETA notice for import shipments to Germany?

  • GUIDELINE - IMPORT SHIPMENTS TO GERMANY & AUSTRIA Arrival and ETA Change notice The Arrival notice will be sent 6 days prior ETA - for this please click on Notifications to update your email address. The same applies to ETA Changes - please click on ETA Changes. Invoice

What is the time limit to ship HHG?

  • The usual entitlement to ship HHG pursuant to a CAD or PCS shall expire one year after the officer reports under orders to the new (or first) permanent duty station. However, this time limit may be extended by the Director, DCP.

How long does it take to ship after release from active duty?

  • The original application to the shipping officer must have been made within 180 days of the release from active duty date. (2) In all cases not covered under subparagraph (1), above, the shipment must be initiated within 180 days of release from active duty.

When do you get authorized to ship household goods?

  • Ordinarily you are authorized to ship household goods (HHG) (at the appropriate weight allowance authorized for your grade) after you have received orders calling you to active duty, directing a permanent or temporary change of station, or authorizing separation or retirement.