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How long does it take to ship a car from Germany to the USA?

Car Shipping from Germany to USA starts at a cost of $1,850 USD with an estimated turnaround time of 14 – 28 days, depending on make and model of the vehicle, your current location, the nearest departure port in Germany, your shipping method of choice, availability of your chosen services and your final destination.

When do you get authorized to ship household goods?

  • Ordinarily you are authorized to ship household goods (HHG) (at the appropriate weight allowance authorized for your grade) after you have received orders calling you to active duty, directing a permanent or temporary change of station, or authorizing separation or retirement.

How do I contact DHL Parcel international direct to Germany?

  • CONTACT DETAILS For more information on DHL Parcel International Direct to Germany, please contact your account manager or email us at: cs-ecom.cn@dhl.com Dimension Max: L+W+H ≤ 90cm , L≤60cm Min: Length: 14 cm, Width: 9 cm Weight Maximum 2 kg

How do I ship my HHG?

  • Shipment of your HHG will be accomplished by the use of Standard Form 1203, “U.S. Government Bill of Lading - Privately Owned Personal Property,” a “Virtual Government Bill of Lading,” or the “Transportation Service Order Number,” whichever your Agency/OPDIV/Program is currently using.