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What are the key issues in psychology?

Debates and Issues in Psychology
  • Mind Body Debate. One of the central questions in psychology (and philosophy) concerns the mind/body problem. ...
  • Nature vs. Nurture. ...
  • Reductionism vs. Holism. ...
  • Idiographic vs. Nomothetic. ...
  • Psychology as a Science. ...
  • Free-will vs. ...
  • Animal Research. ...
  • Gender Issues.

What are the current issues in psychology?

  • Psychology's biggest and most enduring issue concerns the relative contributions and interplay between the influences of nature (genes) and nuture (all other influences, from conception to death). Today's science emphasizes the interaction of genes and experiences in specific environments.

What are psychological issues?

  • - restlessness or feeling on edge - fatigue - difficulty concentrating - irritability - muscle tension - sleep issues

What are the ethical issues in psychology?

  • Voluntary Participation: Every participant in the research should voluntarily participate in it,and should not be forced to do so. ...
  • Informed Consent: All participants should be aware of the kind of tests that are going to be conducted and the effects of each test on them. ...
  • Deception: No participant should be deceived or misguided regarding the test. ...

What are some controversial topics in psychology?

  • Psychological characteristics of a typical perpetrator of child abuse
  • Child sexual abuse by the parent
  • Child sexual abuse by a caregiver
  • Child sexual abuse by an extended family member
  • Use of abusive language as a way of coping with past trauma
  • Effects of excessive watching of TV on the intellectual and emotional development of a child
Not only human personality but even the personalities of other living beings are driven by three primary elements of psychology i.e. "Id", "Ego" and "Super Ego". These three elements were defined by Sigmund Freud, the Austrian Neurologist who is also regarded as the "Father of Psychoanalysis".