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Who is the founder of learning psychology?

Edward Thorndike It was his work on learning theory that resulted in operant conditioning within behaviorism. His theory of operant conditioning is learning from the consequences of our actions and behavior.

Who was the first clinical psychologist?

  • McReynolds, P. (1997b). Lightner Witmer: The first clinical psychologist. In W. G. Bringmann, H. E. Luck, R. Miller, & C. E. Early (Eds.), A pictorial history of psychology (pp. 465-470). Carol Stream, IL: Quintessence.

Is Lightner Witmer the father of Clinical Psychology?

  • Abstract Lightner Witmer is considered to be the father of clinical psychology founded the first clinical psychology laboratory, and assisted in the development of special education, school psychology, and applied psychology. However, Witmer has been somewhat erased from psychology textbooks.

What is cognitive psychology?

  • They view learner as an information processing unit just like computers. The learning of cognitive psychology includes different types of memory, motivation and thought processes. In cognitive learning, reflection also plays a major role with a belief that learning belongs to an internal process.

Is there a theory of e-learning?

  • The history of psychology encompasses various learning theories but unfortunate no theory is generated to maintain and sustain e-learning environment.
Edward Thorndike was an influential psychologist who is often referred to as the founder of modern educational psychology.