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Who controls the capital market in the Philippines?

The stock exchange is owned by its 185 broker– dealer members. Their representatives control the PSE board of directors. Because there is equal voting power among dealers, the more numer- ous small brokers tend to control board deci- sion-making.

Is capital market development in the Philippines unfulfilled?

  • Capital Market Development in the Philippines Its per capita income was higher than most Asian countries and its educational and political levels were at par with the United States (USAID, 1999). But that promise has remained unfulfilled. Some underlying trends in the finan - cial markets of the Philippines since 1980 emerge from Table 1.

What is the Philippine corporate bond market?

  • 24||NOMURA JOURNAL OF ASIAN CAPITAL MARKETS|Autumn 2016 Vol.1/No.1 Capital Market Development in the Philippines25 PHILIPPINES The Philippine corporate bond mar- ket includes long-term corporate bonds and notes. The latter (classified as com- mercial papers) are originally issued to no more than 19 buyers, but are later trad- able.

What is the market capitalization to GDP ratio of the Philippines?

  • Mining & Oil32.1% -5.7% 9.6% In 1996, the market capitalization to GDP ratio (MCG ratio) of the Philippines peaked at 97.3% before succumbing to the Asian Fi- nancial Crisis (AFC) and political problems.

What are the best books on capital market development in Asia?

  • (2005) “Capital Market Development in the Philip- pines: Problems and Prospects.” “Capital Markets in Asia: Changing Roles for Eco- nomic Development.” (Tokyo: Nomura Re- search Institute) Asian Development Bank. (2012) “ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guide.” Mandaluyong City. Asian Development Bank.
The stock exchange is owned by its 185 broker–dealer members. Their representative's control the PSE board of directors.