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What is the percentage of people that recover from addiction?

A separate study published by the CDC and the National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2020 found 3 out of 4 people who experience addiction eventually recover. "So that's huge, you know, 75%," Kelly said. "I think it kind of goes against our cultural perception that people never get better."

What percentage of addicts stay sober?

  • The research completed years back indicates that about 30 percent of people in drug or alcohol treatment would still be sober or clean a year later. In looking at a study of 1162 individuals who remained sober at least eight years, it was determined that it was challenging to really determine who would stay sober.

What is the success rate for addiction recovery?

  • While it’s difficult to provide a specific number as far as the success rate of addiction treatment, the following are some statistics relating to this topic from The Recovery Village. First, with inpatient treatment, 73% of people who struggle with addiction complete their inpatient rehab program, and 21% are sober after five years.

Can addicts ever really recover?

  • Recovery can be defined a lot of different ways. In my opinion, yes, an “addict” can recover. In my opinion most of the time addiction is not the disease, but a symptom of something deeper. Once you are able to figure out what the root cause is, then you can deal with this properly. I’ve kno That’s really not an easy answer.

Who is at risk of addiction?

  • Those who suffer from mental health problems are more likely to develop an addiction. Studies have shown that many addicts also suffer from mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and ADHD. Those who drink alcohol, take drugs, or smoke nicotine at a young age are more likely to develop addictions than those who start in later life.