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How much does addiction cost the UK economy?

Cost to business UK businesses lose a total of £7.3 billion a year in lost productivity due to addiction, that's an average cost of £27,213 per employee per year, in small to medium-sized businesses. Therefore, Kennedy Street's Recovery Connects programme could potentially save local businesses £408,199 per year.

What are the economic and social costs of crime?

  • In this sense, previous research into the economic and social costs of crime are built on3, in monetising non-financial harms. Economic and social cost, or ‘harm’, includes the costs incurred in anticipation of crime, as a consequence of crime, and in response to crime.

What are the costconsequences of Class A drug use?

  • The methodology identifies Class A drug users by type – young recreational users, old regularusers, and problematic users – and cost consequences for each are derived. The costconsequences of Class A drug use are identified as drug-related crime, health service costs, drug-related deaths and the cost of social care.

What are the economic and social costs associated with smuggling?

  • The economic and social costs associated with alcohol, tobacco and oil fraud and smugglinginclude lost tax revenue to the Exchequer, lost profit to UK business, and the costs ofcomplying with regulations.

What is the cost of cyber crime to the UK?

  • In our most-likely scenario, we estimate the cost of cyber crime to the UK to be £27bn per annum. A significant proportion of this cost comes from the theft of IP from UK businesses, which we estimate at £9.2bn per annum. In all probability, and in line with our worst-case scenarios, the real impact of cyber crime is likely to be much greater.
Cost to business\n\n UK businesses lose a total of ਷.3 billion a year in lost productivity due to addiction, that's an average cost of ꌧ,213 per employee per year, in small to medium-sized businesses.