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What are the social costs of drug abuse?

The societal costs of substance abuse in disease, premature death, lost productivity, theft and violence, including unwanted and unplanned sex, as well as the cost of interdiction, law enforcement, prosecution, incarceration, and probation are, however, greater than the value of the sales of these addictive substances ...

What are the costs of drug abuse to society?

  • The estimated cost of drug abuse in the United States—including illegal drugs, alcohol, and tobacco—is more than $740 billion a year and growing, according to data reported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA. 1  Substance abuse in the U.S. costs society in increased healthcare costs, crime, and lost productivity.

How much does treatment cost for substance abuse?

  • How Much Does a 30-day Drug Abuse Program Cost? The cost of 28- and 30-day drug and alcohol rehab varies depending on the program. Most run anywhere from $400 to $900 per day ...

How can social factors lead to substance abuse?

  • Dysfunction in the household is one of the social factors that contribute to substance abuse. Family problems can lead to substance abuse as a way of coping with troubled relationships and stress or chaos in the home. Family therapy is an important part of treatment, because family dysfunction is a major trigger for relapse.

How is DBT used in substance abuse treatment?

  • DBT for substance abuse is a well-established comprehensive treatment that is designed to encourage abstinence and reduce relapses. Several randomized clinical trials have shown that dialectic behavior therapy is effective in decreasing substance abuse.