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How can we prevent drug?

Consider other strategies to prevent teen drug abuse:
  1. Know your teen's activities. Pay attention to your teen's whereabouts. ...
  2. Establish rules and consequences. ...
  3. Know your teen's friends. ...
  4. Keep track of prescription drugs. ...
  5. Provide support. ...
  6. Set a good example.

What can we do to stop drug use?

  • To prevent using drugs as a reward, you need to discover new ways to handle stress and relax your mind and body. You can read a book, take up exercising, help the needy or do something productive. Doing these things will relax your mind and eliminate the feelings of drug use to relieve stress. 5. Seek counseling.

How can you stop people from using drugs?

  • Express how their addiction is impacting you but don’t be judgmental
  • Show compassion and empathy without enabling them
  • Set personal boundaries of behaviors and actions you won’t tolerate,and stick to them
  • Be consistent in your words and your actions. ...

What are the solutions to stop drug abuse?

  • Some countries have imposed a law that whenever a drug trafficker is found should be arrested without bail or fine to act as an example to rest who are also merchandizing the same goods (drug) and those planning to join. This will help to control drug abuse since the rate of supply will be reduced.

How do you help prevent someone using drugs?

  • What works in preventing uptake is providing good factual information about drugs from an early age, including evidence-based school drug education. Harm reduction strategies, like needle and syringe programs and medically supervised injecting facilities, reduce harms from drug use.