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What happens End stage mesothelioma?

Most patients die from mesothelioma in stage 4, when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body and caused extensive damage. Late-stage cancer causes organs to fail, impairs the immune system, causes malnutrition and wasting, and can even result in a coma.

What happens in the final stages of mesothelioma?

  • Exhaustion and weakness,including the need to sleep a great deal
  • Weight loss or muscle thinning
  • Little to no appetite or interest in doing things previously considered important
  • Decreased ability to concentrate or talk to others
  • Slower breathing (or noisy breathing depending on the type of mesothelioma)
  • Cool skin that may turn a bluish color

What to expect at Stage 3 of mesothelioma?

  • - Dyspnea (shortness of breath) - Chest pains - Dry coughs - Stomach pains - Weight loss - Fever - Pain when breathing

Is there a cure for mesothelioma?

  • Prof Dean Fennell, who led the trial at Leicester University, said: ‘Mesothelioma is a nasty form of cancer and there hasn’t been an effective treatment. Many patients are left without any options. ‘But this new treatment has shown promise in halting ...

What happens in the end stage of cancer?

  • Organ-Specific Signs and Symptoms. Organ-specific symptoms frequently occur when cancer progresses to the final stage. ...
  • Decreased Activity. In the final stage of cancer,activity gradually decreases. ...
  • Decreased Appetite. People in the final stage of cancer invariably experience a diminishing appetite. ...
  • Mental and Interpersonal Changes. ...