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What are the advantages of listing of securities?

Listing means formal admission of a security to the trading platform of the Exchange. It provides liquidity to investors without compromising the need of the issuer for capital and ensures effective monitoring of conduct of the issuer and trading of the securities in the interest of investors.

What are the advantages of listing a company on ASX?

  • There are many advantages in listing a company on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Listing will:  allow the company to raise capital from a wider market in order to, among other things:  expand existing business  acquire or establish new businesses  fund acquisitions.

Why list the company’s securities?

  • Listing the company’s securities provides a direct opportunity to the corporate entrepreneurs to raise capital to fund new projects, or to already established businesses to undertake expansions, acquisitions and create or develop diversifications, which are necessary in our changing markets.

What are the benefits of listed securities having liquidity?

  • For the capital seeker, the benefit of its listed securities having liquidity is a big one: it establishes continuity in future capital raising power. Creating awareness and the ability to raise future capital

What are the advantages of investing in the stock market?

  • Some of the other advantages of investing in the stock market include: Superior long term performance - over the long term, stocks have consistently provided better returns than any other type of investment.