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Can you get scammed on crypto wallet?

When users log in to a cryptocurrency account in a public location, scammers can steal their private, sensitive information. A scammer can intercept any information sent over a public network, including passwords, cryptocurrency wallet keys and account information.

Are my crypto earns protected?

  • Insurance: The Digital Assets held in your account including your Crypto Earn are not protected by any government-backed insurance scheme, including without limitation the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation (CDIC).

What are the risks of using crypto earn?

  • Source Code Weakness: There is a risk that the Crypto.com App or any of our products may unintentionally include weaknesses or bugs in the source code which may adversely affect Crypto Earn.

Do I have to pay tax on crypto earn?

  • You are responsible for your own tax obligation regarding your use of Crypto Earn. It is your responsibility to determine what kind of filing or reporting is required of you by the competent tax authority, which taxes and to what extent you are obliged to pay and which tax exemptions you are eligible to. Crypto.

How do I transfer cryptocurrency to crypto earn?

  • You may transfer any cryptocurrency (a form of Digital Assets) supported by Crypto Earn (as displayed on the Crypto.com App and as may be revised from time to time) from the relevant wallet in your Crypto.com App to your Crypto Earn Account as principal (the "Principal") to earn interest.