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How long should I hold a stock before selling?

Though there is no ideal time for holding stock, you should stay invested for at least 1-1.5 years. If you see the stock price of your share booming, you will have the question of how long do you have to hold stock?

How long do shares need to be held before selling?

  • Your holding period for the stock starts counting the day after you bought it and ends the day that you sell it. For example, if you buy stock on January 1 and sell it on January 30, your holding period is 29 days, because you count from the day after you bought it, January 2, through the day you sold it, January 30.

Why wait three days to sell stock?

  • When a stock price skyrockets shortly after you buy it, you might be hoping to cash in your gains immediately; if it tanks, you might want to get out while you still can. If so, there’s no Internal Revenue Service rules to stop you, because there’s no minimum holding period for stock.

How long should I invest in and keep a stock?

  • You should invest in the stock market for a minimum of 10 years, as the US markets have always made a profit over a 10 year period since 1955. My research shows that over the last 10 years, the S&P 500 increased 55% of the time, by on average 0.2% per day, and the longest uninterrupted uptrend was 8 days.

How long should I hold a losing stock?

  • The best rewards on a stock are typically with a hold time of between 50 to 300 days. It takes time for good profits to develop, and they certainly do not happen overnight, unless you are fortunate. The typical high-profit trade in my back-tested systems is 30%, and the hold time is an average of 45 days.