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Can you sell a stock and immediately buy it back?

You can buy the same stock back at any time, and this has no bearing on the sale you have made for profit. Rules only dictate that you pay taxes on any profit you make from assets.

Can I buy back a stock after selling it?

  • You must wait 60 days before buying back the same stock you sold to avoid a wash sale. If you buy back the previously sold stock before the 60 days, the loss will not be permitted as a tax write-off. If the stock was sold at a profit, then this rule would not apply.

Can you buy back stock after selling for a gain?

  • The wash sale rule prevents you from selling shares of stock and buying the stock right back just so you can take a loss that you can write off on your taxes. The wash sale rule does not apply to gains. If you sell a stock for a profit and buy it right back, you still owe taxes on the gain.

Can a company refuse to buy back stock?

  • To protect against potentially problematic situations, a shareholders' agreement can specify certain conditions under which one shareholder must sell shares to fellow shareholders or back to the company. For instance, some companies give the company the right of first refusal to buy back shares that pass to an heir after the death of a shareholder.

Can I keep buying and selling same stock?

  • There are no restrictions on placing multiple buy orders to buy the same stock more than once in a day, and you can place multiple sell orders to sell the same stock in a single day. The FINRA...