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How important is social media to professionals?

Keep your reputation in mind before you hit “post.” As social media platforms continually evolve, it becomes more important for businesses and professionals to become involved with them. Social media offers a chance to connect with clients on a personal level and maintain a brand across all marketing channels.

Should psychologists use social media for personal purposes?

  • Psychologists remain mindful of ethical prin- ciples governing communications, interac- tions, confidentiality, privacy, and respect for others when using social media for personal or professional purposes.

What is the best book on social media and law?

  •  Social media and the law: A guidebook for communication students and professionals. Taylor & Francis. Tunick, R. A., Mednick, L., & Conroy, C. (2011). A snapshot of child psychologists’ social media activity: Professional and ethical practice implications and recommendations. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 42(6), 440.

How is the American Psychological Association using social media to promote research?

  • The FDA has now approved hundreds of such products (FDA, 2018). The American Psychological Association (APA) uses social media to share research findings, psychology news, and other information with its members, policymakers, and the general public.

Can social media be used for unconstructive purposes?

  • Social media clearly can be used for unconstructive as well as con- structive purposes.