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Magnetic Field and Magnetic Forces

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  • What is magnetic field and magnetic force?

    A magnetic field depicts how a moving charge flows around a magnetic object.
    Magnetic force is a force that arises due to the interaction of magnetic fields.
    It can be either a repulsive or attractive force.

  • How is magnetic field related to force?

    A current (I) in a magnetic field ( B) experiences a force ( F) given by the equation F = I l × B or F = IlB sin θ, where l is the length of the wire, represented by a vector pointing in the direction of the current.
    The direction of the force may be found by a right‐hand rule similar to the one shown in Figure .

  • What is the difference between magnetic field and magnetic lines of force?

    The magnetic lines of force, indicate the region in which the force of the magnet can be detected.
    This region is called the magnetic field.
    The magnetic lines of force, or flux, leave the north pole and enter the south pole.

  • In summary, the relationship between magnetic field lines and the direction of the force acting on a moving charge is that the magnetic field lines are always perpendicular to the direction of the force.
En physique, dans le domaine de l'électromagnétisme, le champ magnétique est une grandeur ayant le caractère d'un champ vectoriel, c'est-à-dire caractérisée par la donnée d'une norme, d’une direction et d’un sens, définie en tout point de l'espace WikipédiaAutres unités : gauss (G), œrsted (Oe)Base SI : kg⋅s−2⋅A−1Dimension : M·T −2·I −1Nature : Grandeur vectorielle (pseudovecteur) intensiveUnités SI : tesla (T)
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Magnetic Field and Magnetic Forces