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Two open PhD-positions in systems neuroscience in Paris

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  • Is a PhD worth it in neuroscience?

    There are several lucrative career paths for a person who has a PhD in neuroscience, including those in health, business, and research.
    Job growth is expected in most areas through 2028.

  • How hard is it to get into neuroscience PhD program?

    A PhD program in neuroscience can be difficult to get into due to several reasons: Academic Requirements: Most programs require a strong undergraduate background in neuroscience, biology, chemistry, or related fields.
    High GPA, research experience, and strong letters of recommendation are also important.

  • What do people do with a PhD in neuroscience?

    Graduates with degrees in neuroscience can pursue a wide range of career paths.
    These include research positions in academia, government, or the private sector, as well as roles in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, neuroimaging, neuropsychology, and science communication.
    View all PhDs in Neuroscience.

  • Neuroscience degrees
    Specialisations include molecular neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, clinical neuroscience, computational neuroscience, and neuroimaging.
40 scholarship, research, uni job positions available PhD-in-Neuroscience positions available on scholarshipdb.net, France.Autres questions

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Two open PhD-positions in systems neuroscience in Paris