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A First-Year Arts

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  • What is the first year arts program at Harvard?

    The First-Year Arts Program (FAP) was founded in 1995 by Alan Symonds as a way to introduce incoming first-years to the artistic community at Harvard.
    Every FAP year is unique, but the atmosphere of complete artistic immersion is constant.
    The program is based on workshops and master classes.

  • What are the first year options for UBC arts?

    Start your academic journey in the Bachelor of Arts degree by choosing one of three approaches to your first year of study: Arts One, the Coordinated Arts Program, or a custom timetable.
    As a Bachelor of Arts student, you do not declare or apply for a program in your first year.

  • How does first year at UBC work?

    If you choose to join a first-year study option, you'll enjoy a predesigned course schedule and you'll take nearly all of your classes with the same people.
    There are two to choose from.
    Both offer an integrated curriculum that covers many different disciplines, such as English, Philosophy, and Political Science.

  • Pre-Orientation Programs (FPOPs)
The First-Year Arts Program aims to expose you to all of the artistic opportunities MIT and the greater Boston area have to offer. You'll be  Autres questions

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A First-Year Arts