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UNIVERSITE D'ORAN 1 Ahmed Benbella


There are different types of legal recognition and quality assessment of higher education institutions around the world, depending on the country and its legal and higher education system

Institutional Recognition Or Accreditation

Université Ahmed Ben Bella d'Oran 1 is legally recognized and/or accredited by: Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Algérie See full list on 4icu.org

Specialized Or Programmatic Accreditations

Not available; please use the Feedback/Error report form at the end of this page to submit a list of Université Ahmed Ben Bella d'Oran 1's official programmatic or specialized accreditations. If you are an official representative of this university you can also claim and update this entire university profile free of charge (UPDATE ALL). Tip: search

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