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Lecture 19 Object recognition

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  • What is object recognition method?

    Object recognition is a computer vision technique for identifying objects in images or videos.
    Object recognition is a key output of deep learning and machine learning algorithms.
    When humans look at a photograph or watch a video, we can readily spot people, objects, scenes, and visual details.

  • What is object recognition theory?

    Object Recognition: Theories
    Object recognition involves matching representations of objects stored in memory to representations extracted from the visual image.
    The key issue in object recognition is the nature of the representation extracted from the image.

  • How to detect object in matlab?

    You can train a custom object detector, or use a pretrained object detector by leveraging transfer learning, an approach that enables you to start with a pretrained network and then fine-tune it for your application.
    Convolutional neural networks require Deep Learning Toolbox™.

  • Most Popular Object Detection Algorithms.
    Popular algorithms used to perform object detection include convolutional neural networks (R-CNN, Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks), Fast R-CNN, and YOLO (You Only Look Once).
    The R-CNN's are in the R-CNN family, while YOLO is part of the single-shot detector family.

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Lecture 19 Object recognition