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21st-Century Skills

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  • What do you mean by 21st Century Skills?

    While you may see small variations in how 21 st century skills are described and defined from group to group, they fundamentally fall into three categories: Learning skills: The skills used to process and communicate information. This includes creativity, critical thinking ability, collaboration and communication.

  • What are 21 century skills?

    “21st century skills are tools that can be universally applied to enhance ways of thinking, learning, working and living in the world. The skills include critical thinking/reasoning, creativity/creative thinking, problem solving, metacognition, collaboration, communication and global citizenship. What are the 3 most important 21st century skills?

  • What the Heck is a 21st century skill?

    The term 21st century skills refers to a broad set of knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits that are believed—by educators, school reformers, college professors, employers, and others—to be critically important to success in today’s world, particularly in collegiate programs and contemporary careers and workplaces. Generally speaking, 21st century skills can be applied in ...

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21st-Century Skills
What Are 21st Century Skills?  AES

What Are 21st Century Skills? AES

What are 21st Century skills?

What are 21st Century skills?

21st Century learning & Life Skills: Framework

21st Century learning & Life Skills: Framework