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Study Abroad Catalogue 2023-24

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  • Can I choose a module from the ERASMUS & study abroad catalogue?

    Only modules from this catalogue will be available to choose in the online application form. Modules you may find elsewhere may not be approved for Study Abroad Programme students. If you have any questions about module choices, please contact the Erasmus & Study Abroad Office via the details on the right of this page.

  • How do I apply for a study abroad programme?

    To apply for a Study Abroad programme at King’s you will need to first register on our online application system and then complete our online application form. If you are coming on Exchange, rather than as a fee-paying student (free mover), your home institution will first need to nominate you - details of the nomination process can be found here .

  • Can I use a'study abroad' module in one semester?

    Please contact studyabroad@kcl.ac.uk for more information. Each semester needs to be balanced, so for example: 1 FY + 3 in Sem1 and 3 in Sem 2. If a full year module is only 15KC, it can be 'used' in either semester.

  • What is King's College London study abroad?

    The King's College London Study Abroad programme allows students who are currently studying for their degree at an overseas institution to spend either a semester or a full year at King’s. Find out more about the entry requirements and how to apply below.

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Study Abroad Catalogue 2023-24