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Comparison of creditor and debtor data on short-term external debt

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  • What is the difference between short-term and total external debt?

    Short-term debt includes all debt having an original maturity of one year or less and interest in arrears on long-term debt. Total external debt is debt owed to nonresidents repayable in currency, goods, or services.

  • What is the difference between creditor/market data and debtor/national data?

    The data sets for the creditor/market and debtor/national data sources will differ as the coverage is different. In general, it might be expected that the debtor/national data exceeds the creditor/market data for loans and deposits, and for debt securities.

  • What is the difference between short-term and long-term debt instruments?

    Funds raised through short-term debt instruments are to be repaid within a year. However, long-term debt instruments are the ones that are paid over a year or more. Credit card bills and treasury notes are examples of short-term debt whereas long-term loans and mortgage s form part of long-term debt instruments.

  • What are the similarities between debtors and creditors?

    There are many similarities between debtors and creditors. Here are just a few: Both groups of people work in companies or agencies to manage accounts receivable or debts. They both follow strict guidelines when it comes to their respective responsibilities. They both work on strict payment deadlines.

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Comparison of creditor and debtor data on short-term external debt