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Part 2 Debtors' Remedies

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  • What are creditors' remedies after obtaining a judgment?

    The creditor will be entitled to an enforceable judgment if it proves its case or if the debtor fails to contest the claim. The most common creditors’ remedies after obtaining a judgment include: Execution. In most states, recording a judgment creates a judgment lien on the debtor’s property.

  • What action can a creditor or debt collector take?

    A creditor or debt collector may only take such action as is authorized by law to protect its collateral during the thirty-day state agency review period. The administrator shall take immediate steps to investigate, evaluate, and attempt to resolve such complaints.

  • What are the Federal remedies if a lawsuit is filed?

    The federal remedies are: Civil penalty: The court in such a lawsuit may also award a civil penalty (statutory damages) not exceeding $1,000 if the lawsuit is an individual action.

  • Can a debt collector communicate with a third party?

    In general and with limited exceptions -- such as communications to locate the debtor, and communications with the debtor’s spouse, parent (if the debtor is a minor), guardian, executor, or administrator -- a collector may not communicate any information to any third party in connection with the collection of a debt.

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Part 2 Debtors' Remedies