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United States Bankruptcy Judge

List Docs
  • What are the duties of a bankruptcy judge?

    A bankruptcy judge may decide any matter connected with a bankruptcy case, such as eligibility to file or whether a debtor should receive a discharge; however, much of the bankruptcy process is administrative.

  • What is the jurisdiction of a bankruptcy judge?

    A federal bankruptcy judge is a judicial officer of a United States district court who is appointed by the majority of judges of the U.S. court of appeals to which his or her specific district court is attached. Bankruptcy judges exercise jurisdiction over bankruptcy matters.

  • What powers do bankruptcy judges have?

    A federal bankruptcy judge is a judicial officer of a United States district court who is appointed by the majority of judges of the U.S. court of appeals to which his or her specific district court is attached. Bankruptcy judges exercise jurisdiction over bankruptcy matters.

  • How long does a bankruptcy judge serve?

    A Bankruptcy Judge or Judges are appointed for each district and serve a fourteen-year term. The Judge is the Court officer with decision-making power in bankruptcy cases. Share This Story, Choose Your Platform!

History of Bankruptcy Judgeships

The position of bankruptcy judge was established by Congress in 1978 as part of broad legislation that reorganized the nation’s bankruptcy system (92 Stat. 2657). Under the Bankruptcy Act of 1898, referees appointed by district judges oversaw the administration of bankruptcy cases in the district courts, and a series of subsequent acts increased th

Types of Bankruptcy

Most bankruptcy cases are filed under one of three main chapters of the Bankruptcy Code: Chapter 7, Chapter 11, or Chapter 13. See full list on ballotpedia.org

Judicial Conference

As of February 2013, there is one federal bankruptcy judge on the Judicial Conference of the United States. Judge Michael E. Romero, from the District of Colorado, is an Observer of the conference.The Judicial Conference is responsible for all "policy with regard to the administration of the U.S. courts." This includes making periodic recommendatio


As of 2012, federal bankruptcy judges earn $160,100per year. Since October 1988, the salary of federal bankruptcy judges has been set at 92 percent of the salary of district judges. The following table shows federal bankruptcy judge salaries over time: See full list on ballotpedia.org

See Also

Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978Notable federal judicial legislation See full list on ballotpedia.org

External Links

History of U.S. bankruptcy judgesA Journalist's Guide to the federal bankruptcy courtsCornell Law School, Legal Information Institute: Appointment of Bankruptcy Judges See full list on ballotpedia.org

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United States Bankruptcy Judge