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  • What does Professor Mégret do?

    Professor Mégret's interests lie in international criminal justice, international human rights law, international humanitarian law, the law of international organizations, transitional justice, criminal law, and general international law.

  • What is Mégret's choice?

    Mégret's choice is to look at the norms enshrined in positive law and to reason inductively, building an account and taxonomy of inherently sovereign functions based on the international legal obligations states hold to each other and to their populations.

  • What does Mégret say about human rights?

    Mégret offers functional and intrinsic rationales, suggesting that individuals have a right to benefit from certain public functions exercised by state authority, such as legislation and adjudication, what perhaps could be termed “the human right to the state.”

  • Who is Pierre Mégret?

    Born in Paris, Mégret studied at the École Polytechnique and at the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, and is by profession a senior civil servant. He also holds a Master's degree from the University of California, Berkeley. A graduate of the armored cavalry school of Saumur, he is also a reserve army captain.

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