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Client Diagnostic Worksheet

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  • What is Microsoft diagnostics client?

    Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client (also known as the Diagnostics client library) is a managed library that lets you interact with .NET Core runtime (CoreCLR) for various diagnostics related tasks, such as tracing via EventPipe, requesting a dump, or attaching an ICorProfiler.

  • When should a client complete a therapy worksheet?

    Clients can be asked to complete this sheet either mentally or in writing immediately before a therapy session (or during the previous day). While helpful for most clients, this worksheet is particularly helpful for clients who avoid thinking about therapy between sessions or who have dificulty summarizing the gist of their week.

  • When should a client use a thinking worksheet?

    It should be introduced after clients firmly grasp that their thinking in specific situations afects their mood and behavior and that at times their thinking is distorted. Otherwise, it doesn’t make sense to clients to use such form. As with all worksheets, make sure clients can complete it in session with you before suggesting it as

  • How can I help clients with problem solving?

    The following worksheet can help clients with problem solving. You can start by filling out the worksheet together, in session. If the client seems to understand how to fill it out, you can encouage them to use the worksheet on their own to deal with problems that come up between sessions.


This article applies to: ✔️ .NET Core 3.0 SDK and later versions for target apps, .NET Standard 2.0 to use the library. Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client (also known as the Diagnostics client library) is a managed library that lets you interact with .NET Core runtime (CoreCLR) for various diagnostics related tasks, such as tracing via EventPipe, requesting a dump, or attaching an ICorProfiler. This library is the backing library behind many diagnostics tools such as dotnet-counters, dotnet-trace, dotnet-gcdump, dotnet-dump, and dotnet-monitor. Using this library, you can write your own diagnostics tools customized for your particular scenario. You can acquire Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client by adding a PackageReference to your project. The package is hosted on NuGet.org. The samples in the following sections show how to use Microsoft.Diagnostics.NETCore.Client library. Some of these examples also show parsing the event payloads by using TraceEvent library. See full list on learn.microsoft.com

Attach to a process and print out all GC events

This snippet shows how to start an EventPipe session using the .NET runtime provider with the GC keyword at informational level. It also shows how to use the EventPipeEventSource class provided by the TraceEvent library to parse the incoming events and print their names to the console in real time. See full list on learn.microsoft.com

Write a core dump

This sample shows how to trigger the collection of a core dump using DiagnosticsClient. See full list on learn.microsoft.com

Trigger a core dump when CPU usage goes above a threshold

This sample shows how to monitor the cpu-usage counter published by the .NET runtime and request a dump when the CPU usage grows beyond a certain threshold. See full list on learn.microsoft.com

Trigger a CPU trace for given number of seconds

This sample shows how to trigger an EventPipe session for certain period of time with the default CLR trace keyword as well as the sample profiler. Afterward, it reads the output stream and writes the bytes out to a file. Essentially this is what dotnet-trace uses internally to write a trace file. See full list on learn.microsoft.com

Print names of processes that published a diagnostics channel

This sample shows how to use DiagnosticsClient.GetPublishedProcesses API to print the names of the .NET processes that published a diagnostics IPC channel. See full list on learn.microsoft.com

Parse events in real time

This sample shows an example where we create two tasks, one that parses the events coming in live with EventPipeEventSource and one that reads the console input for a user input signaling the program to end. If the target app exits before the user presses enter, the app exits gracefully. Otherwise, inputTask will send the Stop command to the pipe a

Attach an ICorProfiler profiler

This sample shows how to attach an ICorProfiler to a process via profiler attach. See full list on learn.microsoft.com

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Client Diagnostic Worksheet