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Introduction à MPI

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  • What does MPI stand for?

    Message Passing (MPI, ...) Directives (OpenMP, ...) What is MPI ? MPI stands for Message Passing Interface. It is a library of subroutines/functions, not a computer language. Programmer writes fortran/C code, insert appropriate MPI subroutine/function calls, compile and finally link with MPI message passing library.

  • Is MPI a runtime system?

    a runtime system. MPI is for parallel computers, clusters, and heterogeneous networks. MPI is full-featured. MPI can be used with C/C++, Fortran, and many other languages. MPI is actually just an Application Programming Interface (API).

  • When did MPI become a standard?

    By 1994, a complete interface and standard was defined (MPI-1). Keep in mind that MPI is only a definition for an interface. It was then up to developers to create implementations of the interface for their respective architectures. Luckily, it only took another year for complete implementations of MPI to become available.

  • What are the basic concepts of MPI 2?

    Four of MPI's eight basic concepts are unique to MPI-2. Communicator objects connect groups of processes in the MPI session. Each communicator gives each contained process an independent identifier and arranges its contained processes in an ordered topology.

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Introduction à MPI
Introduction to MPI (Part 1) — Introduction

Introduction to MPI (Part 1) — Introduction

MPI Basics

MPI Basics

Introduction to MPI (Part 3) — Point-to-Point Communication

Introduction to MPI (Part 3) — Point-to-Point Communication