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The Managing and Financing of Rural Transport

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  • Can rural transport infrastructure be sustainable?

    The sustainable provision of rural transport networks (referred to as rural transport infrastructure, so as to include tracks, paths, and footbridges) crucially depends on appropriate management and financing arrangements, and a sound approach to design and appraisal. This paper focuses on the design and appraisal of rural transport infrastructure.

  • What do Rural Transit managers need to know about budgeting & finance?

    This section of the toolkit introduces budgeting and finance concepts that rural transit managers need to know. Developing and monitoring an annual budget, ensuring that expenses are in line with the budget, and obtaining funding from a variety of sources are key to sustaining the transit system.

  • How does rural transport affect economic growth?

    The poor condition of rural transport networks in many developing countries blocks poverty- reduction efforts and stifles economic growth. A period of government and donor focus on the management and financing of main road networks is beginning to yield increased institutional and financial capacity as well as improved main roads.

  • What is design and appraisal of rural transport infrastructure?

    Design and Appraisal of Rural Transport Infrastructure appears as part of a four-volume compendium of rural transport knowledge under development by the World Bank’s Rural Transport Thematic Group.

Rapport final du volet 1 Partie 6 : Impacts socio
L'évaluation socio-économique des projets de transport
Projets de recherche autonome
Projets d’étude autonome
Contexte et enjeux de la gestion des eaux pluviales
Historique et enjeux
Caractéristiques de la reproduction de l’espèce caprine
La physiologie de la reproduction caprine
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The Managing and Financing of Rural Transport