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Du danger desnanotechnologies

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  • Is nanotechnology a threat to the future?

    It is impossible to deny the potential and excitement that nanoscale technology offers for the future. Whether it is in aerospace materials, medical treatments or improving computer devices, nanotechnology cannot be ignored. But with any emerging technology comes potential risk.

  • Are nanomaterials dangerous?

    That’s an overarching risk with nanomaterials: Their tiny size and high surface area make them more chemically reactive and cause them to behave in unpredictable ways. So a substance that’s safe at a normal size can become toxic at the nanoscale. Australian farmers proposed new standards that would exclude nanotechnology from organic products.

  • Is nanotechnology a risk management strategy?

    This approach would be beneficial to the risk management of nanotechnology . Although, nanotechnology is the driving force behind the current new industrial revolution and shows significant impact on our economies and global society, during the last few years its toxic effects on both ecosystems and human life has been clearly demonstrated.

  • What are some examples of toxicity in nanotechnology?

    One example is Abraxane, a nanoformulation of the anti-cancer chemotherapy paclitaxel. Lung damage is the chief human toxicity concern surrounding nanotechnology, with studies showing that most nanoparticles migrate to the lungs. However, there are also worries over the potential for damage to other organs.

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Du danger desnanotechnologies