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Declaration of the Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative

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  • What is the roadmap by Advanced Materials 2030 initiative?

    The Roadmap by Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative invites all interested stakeholders to support and co-create the new strategic European materials agenda and necessary actions for implementation in the framework of a European Materials Initiative for the planet, people, and prosperity.

  • What is the materials 2030 manifesto?

    identifies priority areas as game changers in the nine innovation markets highlighted in the Materials 2030 Manifesto, addressing the industry and research community needs with expected impacts to improve EU sovereignty, capacity to reduce environmental footprint, and potential to improve sustainability.

  • What is the EU-wide advanced materials transformation initiative?

    This Strategic Agenda will demonstrate how the Initiative will best trigger EU-wide advanced materials transformations towards a more sustainable society and more resilient Europe. This work will be kick-off during the workshop organised by the EC on January 11, 2023.

  • What role do advanced materials play in the 21st century?

    Materials, especially advanced materials, are the backbone and source of prosperity of an industrial society. In the context of the radical transformational changes of the 21st century, it is precisely these advanced materials that will play a decisive role.

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Declaration of the Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative