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Grande Ecole » AU 2023/2024

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  • How many Admission Sessions are there in September 2023?

    There are 4 admission sessions for the September intake. Candidates can only apply to one session. Application must be complete before December 1st, 2023. Admission results on December 13th, 2023. Application must be complete before February 1st, 2024. Admission results on February 13th, 2024. Application must be complete before April 1st, 2024.

  • What are the admission conditions for the grande école program?

    Admission conditions for candidates preparing an international degree Admission in the Master cycle of the Grande École Program is based on the students’ application, academic performance, level of English proficiency and a recommendation letter from a professor or a counselor. Apply now!

  • What is IÉSEG 5 year grande école program?

    IÉSEG traditional 5-year Grande École Program is historically renowned and prepares students for the challenges of the business world. Students acquire extensive knowledge throughout the five years because of our continuously updated well-rounded curriculum. You can apply to enter the program in its 1st, 2nd, 3rd year and in Master cycle.

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LOI n° 94-029 portant CODE DU TRAVAIL
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Calendrier Bac+5 MR 2022-2023xlsx
Les métiers de l'industrie aéronautique et spatiale en Nouvelle
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Grande Ecole » AU 2023/2024