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Merise Introduction

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  • What is Merise & how does it work?

    MERISE is an Information System Design and Development methodology widely used in France. The framework of MERISE has three cycles: abstraction cycle, approval cycle and life cycle. The abstraction cycle uses the three database levels (conceptual, logical and physical).

  • What are the three phases of Merise?

    The framework of MERISE has three cycles: abstraction cycle, approval cycle and life cycle. The abstraction cycle uses the three database levels (conceptual, logical and physical). The approval cycle recognizes the necessity of identifying decision points during the development of the information system.

  • What is a Merise flow diagram?

    A MERISE flow diagram. At the conceptual level, the information system is repre-sented independently of its organization and of the physical and computing means that it could use. The objective of the conceptual level is to answer the ques-tion 'what?' and to understand the essence of the prob-lem.

  • Does Merise belong to the science paradigm?

    The first is the science paradigm, which has characterised most of the hard scientific developments of the latter part of the twentieth century, and the second is the systems paradigm, which is characterised by a holis-tic approach. MERISE belongs to the science paradigm.

The Business Data Dictionary

Long before the definition of DDD by Eric Evans in 2003 and the Event Storming workshops, the Merise method proposes to bring together the different stakeholders around the table to ensure a common vocabulary. This common vocabulary is called the Business Data Dictionary: 1. It relates to all the data that will be stored (business objects), 2. It d


If we use the business rules defined above, we can create the following CDM: Let’s take a moment to understand this diagram: 1. The entities are described in blue: they are our business objects, 2. Relationships are in orange, they describe an action linking the business objects (most of the time it is a verb), 3. The cardinalities link the entitie

The Transformation Rules in Ldm

We have our first Merisian diagram, describing the interactions that our business objects have with each other. The next step is to transform our CDM into a LDM by respecting 5 transformation rules: 1/ Conversion of entities: a) An entity of the CDM becomes a table, b) Its identifier becomes the Primary Key (PK)of the table, c) The other properties

The Ldm

Starting from the transformation rules, we try to create a DDL allowing us to create all our tables. To represent our modeling graphically, we use a very good advanced ER diagram tool called Azimuttin which we import this DDL. Here is what we get: Several comments at this point: 1. We want to avoid circular references, but be careful not to confuse

The Normal Forms

The work related to normal forms was introduced by CODD in the 70’s to avoid transactional anomalies. The Merise method uses this work. There are different levels of normalization (or normal forms). The first three levels of normalization are the most widespread and the most applied. The classification of these first three normalization levels is b

Methode merise
Classe 3ème Chimie N°1 : Les Solutions Exercices résolus I
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Merise Introduction
Merise #01 : Introduction à la méthode Merise

Merise #01 : Introduction à la méthode Merise

Merise : Introduction

Merise : Introduction

MERISE Introduction

MERISE Introduction