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Beriberi is a disease caused by vitamin B1 deficiency, also known as thiamine deficiency. It occurs most often in people with a diet that consists mostly of white rice or highly refined carbohydrates. There are two types of beriberi: •wet beriberi •dry beriberi Wet beriberi affects the heart and circulatory system. In extreme cases, wet beriberi can cause heart failure. Dry beriberi damages the nerves and can lead to decreased muscle strength and eventually muscle paralysis. Beriberi can be life threatening if it isn’t treated. See full list on healthline.com

What are the symptoms of beriberi?

The symptoms of beriberi vary depending on the type. Wet beriberi symptoms include: •shortness of breath during physical activity •waking up short of breath •rapid heart rate •swollen lower legs See full list on healthline.com

What causes beriberi?

The main cause of beriberi is a diet low in thiamine. The disease is very rare in regions with access to vitamin-enriched foods, such as certain breakfast cereals and breads. Beriberi is most common in regions of the world where the diet includes unenriched, processed white rice, which only has a tenth of the amount of thiamine as brown rice, according to the National Institutes of Health. See full list on healthline.com

Who is at risk?

Other factors may cause thiamine deficiency, as well. These include: •alcohol misuse, which can make it hard for your body to absorb and store thiamine •genetic beriberi, a rare condition that prevents the body from absorbing thiamine •hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) •extreme nausea and vomiting in pregnancy •bariatric surgery See full list on healthline.com

How is beriberi diagnosed?

You will need a series of medical tests to determine whether you have beriberi. Blood and urine tests will measure the levels of thiamine in your body. Doctors will also perform a neurological exam to look for lack of coordination, difficulty walking, droopy eyelids, and weak reflexes. People with later stages of beriberi will show memory loss, confusion, or delusions. See full list on healthline.com

How is beriberi treated?

Beriberi is easily treated with thiamine supplements. Your doctor may prescribe a thiamine shot or pill. For severe cases, a healthcare professional will administer intravenous thiamine. Your progress will be monitored with follow-up blood tests to see how well your body is absorbing the vitamin. See full list on healthline.com

How to prevent beriberi

To prevent beriberi, eat a nutrient-dense, balanced diet that includes foods rich in thiamine. These include: •beans and legumes •seeds •meat •fish •whole grains See full list on healthline.com

What is the long-term outlook for someone with beriberi?

If beriberi is diagnosed and treated early, the outlook is good. Nerve and heart damage from beriberi is usually reversible when it’s caught in the early stages. Recovery is often quick once you begin treatment. If beriberi progresses to Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, the outlook is poor. While treatment can manage symptoms of Wernicke encephalopathy, brain damage from Korsakoff syndrome is often permanent. See full list on healthline.com

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